How to choose delicious cold-brewed green tea
How to choose recommended cold brew green tea
Many people have cold barley tea or green tea in their refrigerator all year round. We sell water-brewed green tea all year round at our garden, and it is very popular! So, what kind of tea is suitable for cold brew green tea, we will introduce recommended cold brew green tea.
Three points of recommended cold-brewed green tea

There are three points to choose delicious cold-brewed green tea!

1. Choose tea leaves with good flavor and strong flavor
Choose tea leaves that retain their umami even when extracted with water. Deep-steamed tea or finely ground tea made exclusively for cold brewing is recommended because it takes less time to extract and you can enjoy the umami even with water.

2. If possible, it is recommended to use only for cold brew
If the tea leaves are exclusively for cold brew, whether it is tea bags or tea leaves, there are many products that are devised by each tea shop, so the extraction is good and the taste is often strong.

3. You can choose tea bags and tea leaves
Tea bags are recommended for beginners. Let's choose cold brew green tea that you can put ice and water in your own bottle and enjoy it deliciously! And for customers with many families who want to enjoy it all year round, we recommend the tea leaf type! With Hamakaze from our garden, you can enjoy delicious cold brew tea for around 30 yen per 500ml.
If you want to try it first, we recommend the tea pack type, and if you want to drink a lot of cold brewed green tea, we recommend the tea leaf type!
Once made, refrigerate and consume within 2 days! Cold brewing reduces the bitterness of caffeine and extracts a large amount of theanine, a sweet ingredient, so you can enjoy a sweet cold brewed green tea! !
Recommended cold brewed green tea NO.1
"Hamakaze tea pack 10P included"
・Tea pack type of popular No. 1 cold brew green tea "Hamakaze"
If you want to try cold brew green tea first, this is recommended!
<<Click here for "Mizudashi Green Tea" related products>>Recommended cold brewed green tea NO.2
"Hamakaze Leaf Type Packed 160g"
・Leaf type of popular No. 1 cold brew green tea "Hamakaze"
A tea leaf type that you can enjoy at a great price!
<<Click here for "Mizudashi Green Tea" related products>> Recommended Cold Brew Green Tea NO.3
"Yame no Shizuku tea pack 10P included"
・It is the best tea pack of cold-brewed green tea.
The highest quality tea bag for cold water and hot water!