Shunpo Tea Garden's tea is made by working with tea farmers all over the country to bring out the natural taste of tea. We repeat tastings at least 300 times each year, and only original tea leaves are produced and delivered.

The Japanese tea of ​​our garden is a Japanese tea that can only be created by creating a large circle by overlapping many years of experience, the quantity and quality of tasting, and the words of the farmers and customers.

When, where, by whom, how, and with what kind of feelings... It is the mission of Shunpo Tea Garden to convey the charm of tea to the world in an easy-to-understand manner by turning it into concrete tea leaves. !

How Shunpo tea garden tea is made

harvest of tea

During the new tea season (listening to the song of Hachijuhachiya, summer is approaching, starting from the end of March to the beginning of April in Kagoshima, and from around April 20th to around May 10th in Shizuoka), it must rain. Tea picking is done every day.

Taste check (tasting)

Each farmer has a completely different tea personality, so we have to understand that and judge what the year's production will be like.

From among them, we will check the taste of each tea that will please our customers.

blend, package

There are various kinds of tea leaves such as sencha, bancha, genmaicha, and recently tea bag tea.
Each use and brewing method is blended so that you can enjoy the most delicious tea.

In addition, we have devised our own ingenuity so that you can enjoy the package. Thanks to you, we received the Kanagawa Prefecture Retailer Award. Thanks to all the producers, business partners, and customers, we are able to deliver delicious tea from the bottom of our hearts! !

◎List of special items recommended by the owner Goto]




いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。 今日も暑かったですね~。 夏は火を使わないお魚料理の季節。火を使わないお魚料理と言えば、お刺身や手巻き寿司です。 手巻き寿司に大事なのは、ネタですが、食べたときにパリッと切れて風味のしっかりする海苔も大事ですよね。 海苔と言えば、春芳...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 先日、テレビ神奈川「関内デビル」さんのロケで、8人組ダンスボーカルユニット「ICEx」さんに春芳茶園のしゅんぽうカフェメニュー一番人気「濃厚抹茶ソフト」をご紹介していただきました。 放送時間は7月25日午後11時の予定で、TVe...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 梅雨が明けたことで、毎日35度の気温は体に応えますね・・ 今までは夏でも温かいお茶を飲まれるお客様でも、ここまで暑いと水出しの緑茶に変えるお客様が増えてきてます。 春芳茶園の水出し緑茶といえば、人気商品「はまかぜ」。すでに多くの...

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