Customers often ask, "Do you have powdered tea?"
At that time, we confirm whether it is powdered tea that does not leave used tea leaves.
Approximately 90% of customers are looking for powdered tea, and 10% are looking for "konacha" that can be put in a teapot or pot.

Powdered tea allows you to taste all the components of the tea leaves, is good for your health, and does not produce used tea leaves. This time I will introduce how to put it in with a muddler!

PS: For ice, put ice and water in your own bottle and shake!
You can enjoy delicious tea! Please try! !

How to brew hot powdered tea

These days, you can find simple tea whisks and stainless steel stirrers at 100-yen shops and general stores. Let's use an easy-to-care stainless steel stirrer to make powdered tea easier to enjoy!

Stir the tea with a muddler.

Our powdered tea is pure tea powder without any other additives, so it is very strong. About 0.5g makes about 250ml of strong tea.

I made it! ! Powdered tea has the advantage that you can enjoy the whole tea ingredients and that there is no used tea leaves. Our powdered tea is powdered from purely carefully selected tea leaves, so you can enjoy a rich flavor. However, over time, dietary fiber will precipitate. However, this is the form of pure tea leaves, so we recommend drinking it as soon as possible after adding it.
Recommended! !

◎ Matcha, Powdered Tea, Benifuuki List, Collection




いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。 今日も暑かったですね~。 夏は火を使わないお魚料理の季節。火を使わないお魚料理と言えば、お刺身や手巻き寿司です。 手巻き寿司に大事なのは、ネタですが、食べたときにパリッと切れて風味のしっかりする海苔も大事ですよね。 海苔と言えば、春芳...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 先日、テレビ神奈川「関内デビル」さんのロケで、8人組ダンスボーカルユニット「ICEx」さんに春芳茶園のしゅんぽうカフェメニュー一番人気「濃厚抹茶ソフト」をご紹介していただきました。 放送時間は7月25日午後11時の予定で、TVe...

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