We are doing special event sales [pop-up store] mainly around Yokohama Totsuka! !

We will tell you about the schedule of special event sales.

September 22nd (Friday) to September 24th (Sunday), 2023 Aeon Honmoku store

[Past events]

[End] June 23 (Friday) to June 25 (Sunday), 2023 Aeon Honmoku store [End] March 24 (Friday) to March 26 (Sunday), 2023 Aeon Honmoku store [End] ] January 27 (Friday) to January 29 (Sunday), 2023 Aeon Honmoku store [End] November 25 (Friday) to November 27 (Sunday), 2022 Aeon Honmoku store [End] 2022 October 1st (Sat)-October 3rd (Mon), 2022 Aeon Honmoku store [End] June 26th (Sun)-June 28th (Tue), 2022 Aeon Honmoku store [End] March 2022 Monday 27th (Sunday) to March 29th (Tuesday) Aeon Honmoku store [End] January 23rd (Sunday) to January 25th (Tuesday) 2022 Aeon Honmoku store
[End] September 26th (Sun) to September 28th (Tue), 2021 Aeon Honmoku store [End] June 27th (Sun) to June 29th (Tue) 2021 Aeon Honmoku store [End] ] March 28 (Sun)-March 30 (Tue), 2021 Aeon Honmoku store [End] February 5 (Fri)-February 7 (Sun), 2021 Sotetsu Rosen Konandai store [End] January 16th (Thursday) to January 19th (Sunday), 2020 Konandai Bath [End] January 23rd (Thursday) to January 26th (Sunday), 2020 Yamato Aeon

[End] Saturday, January 23, 2021 to Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Aeon Honmoku store [End] Wednesday, June 5, 2019 to Sunday, June 9, Modi Totsuka store [End] ] Sunday, June 23, 2019 to Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Aeon Honmoku store [End] Wednesday, July 17, 2019 to Saturday, July 20, 2019 Modi Totsuka store [End] 2019 August 8th (Thursday) to August 11th (Sunday) Modi Totsuka store [End] August 25th (Sunday) to August 27th (Tuesday) AEON Honmoku store [End] September 2019 Monday 6th (Friday) to September 8th (Sunday) Aeon Yamato store [End] October 25th (Friday) to October 27th (Sunday) 2019 Konandai Bath

We have an assortment of popular teas and sweets.
If there are any items that you have purchased online or in stores that you would like to purchase during the event, please contact us and we will bring them to the event sales store.
Please contact us.

◎ Contact information 〒244-0003 4253-1 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture Sakura Totsuka 1F
Shunpo Chaen Co., Ltd. To Goto Toll-free 0120-05-6661




いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。 今日も暑かったですね~。 夏は火を使わないお魚料理の季節。火を使わないお魚料理と言えば、お刺身や手巻き寿司です。 手巻き寿司に大事なのは、ネタですが、食べたときにパリッと切れて風味のしっかりする海苔も大事ですよね。 海苔と言えば、春芳...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 先日、テレビ神奈川「関内デビル」さんのロケで、8人組ダンスボーカルユニット「ICEx」さんに春芳茶園のしゅんぽうカフェメニュー一番人気「濃厚抹茶ソフト」をご紹介していただきました。 放送時間は7月25日午後11時の予定で、TVe...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 梅雨が明けたことで、毎日35度の気温は体に応えますね・・ 今までは夏でも温かいお茶を飲まれるお客様でも、ここまで暑いと水出しの緑茶に変えるお客様が増えてきてます。 春芳茶園の水出し緑茶といえば、人気商品「はまかぜ」。すでに多くの...

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