Deep steamed tea was born in Makinohara, Shizuoka Prefecture in the 1970s.

The history of deep-steamed green tea

Since the 1970s, deep-steamed tea has been produced mainly in the Makinohara Plateau of Shizuoka Prefecture. Actually, the history is still short.

The Makinohara Plateau is an area in the midwestern part of Shizuoka Prefecture that straddles present-day Shimada City, Makinohara City, and Kikugawa City.

(By the way, our ancestors lived in Daito-cho, Ogasa-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, so when the company was first founded, they said they were from Kikugawa, but now, due to the merger of municipalities, the place is now Kakegawa-shi. (laughs)
There is a grave in a temple called Seigan-in, and every year I visit and buy it, saying, "I was able to come to the production area again this year. Thank you." It is divided into Kikugawa City and Kakegawa City by the river. When our company was founded, we were mainly in Kikugawa and Makinohara, but now we travel to Kakegawa and Mori to make tea. )

Now, back to the topic,
The Makinohara Plateau has a lot of rocks and is well-drained red soil, but the climate is warm and suitable for growing tea. (5,000 hectares, about 560 times the size of Tokyo Dome)

However, in the old days, as the soil was fertile, as mentioned above, the leaf flesh became thick, and if the tea was made in a normal way, it was astringent and bitter.

Meanwhile, when the producers continued to devise ways to make delicious tea, they made tea that failed due to over-steaming in the producers. But when I drank it

"What's wrong with this? Isn't it good? And the green is darker, and I can feel the sweetness... In order to make the most of the thick leaves, steaming longer than before is the best way to make this tea. Isn't there!!」

Then, I had an epiphany, and the "deep steaming method" was born, which is steamed longer than usual.

Deep-steamed green tea is a tea that was born from a series of ingenuity and ingenuity to solve the "disadvantage" of the production area, which is the production of thick leaves.

As a result, the thickness of the mesophyll, which was a disadvantage, has now become an "advantage" that allows you to drink a lot of nutrients and extract them quickly.

We hope that you will learn through history that genuine deep-steamed green tea is made by making fresh leaves that match the soil and soil quality of the production area, and by accumulating originality and ingenuity for deliciousness.

◎ Click here to purchase → Green tea list

Ingredients and effects of deep steamed tea

Water-soluble (ingredients that dissolve in water)

component Content Efficacy/effect
catechins 10-18% Anti-oxidation (anti-aging), anti-cancer, suppression of blood cholesterol elevation, suppression of blood pressure elevation,
Suppression of blood sugar rise, antibacterial, anti-cavity bacteria, anti-virus, improvement of intestinal bacteria, anti-allergy, deodorant
caffeine 2-4% central nervous system excitation, anti-drowsiness, cardiotonic, diuretic, metabolism
Theanine 0.6-2% Suppression of blood pressure elevation, adjustment of brain and nerve functions
Flavonols about 0.6% Capillary resistance enhancement, antioxidant (anti-aging), anti-cancer, heart disease prevention, deodorant
Complex polysaccharide about 0.6% Suppression of blood sugar rise
Vitamin C 0.15-0.25% Anti-pollosis, antioxidant, anti-cancer, cancer prevention, cataract prevention, immune function enhancement
GABA 0.01-0.2% Suppression of blood pressure elevation, adjustment of brain and nerve functions
saponin 0.1% Anti-asthma, antibacterial, antihypertensive
Vitamin B2 1.2mg% Angular cheilitis, prevention of dermatitis, inhibition of lipid peroxidation
Minerals 3-4% Zinc, manganese, copper, selenium: Antioxidant Zinc: Prevention of dysgeusia, suppression of immune function decline, prevention of dermatitis, prevention of tooth decay
Aroma component 1-2mg% aromatherapy effect

Water-insoluble ingredients (ingredients that do not dissolve in water)

component Content Efficacy/effect
Dietary fiber about 30% Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease
protein about 24% nutrients
crude fat 3.4-4% nutrients
chlorophyll 0.6-1% Deodorizing effect
Vitamin E 0.02-0.07% Prevention of hemolysis, inhibition of lipid peroxidation, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, prevention of cataract, enhancement of immune function
beta-carotene about 0.02% Anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, immune function enhancement

(Keiichiro Muramatsu ed., Science of Tea)

In July 2020, the Tea Theory No. 75 published by the Japan Tea Instructors Association introduced "20 health benefits of tea".
Detailed data and evidence are included.
Click the image below to download the PDF ↓

◎List of special items recommended by the owner Goto]




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