[WEB-only first-time discount coupon and how to use it]

If you are using the website for the first time,
You can get a 10% OFF coupon for all products.

"Coupon code" is


When you add an item to your cart and proceed to the "purchase procedure", there is a field where you can enter a coupon code.

Please enter "FIRST-HAPPY-TICKET" there.
(No need for "")

All products on our website are 10% off! !

Please feel free to use this offer, which is limited to one use per person.

[How to use coupon code]

◎You can also use the coupon when ordering online and picking up at the store!

・How to order for in-store pickup

① Add the desired product to your cart.

②Click [New Account Registration] in the cart.

③ Perform new registration

Enter your first and last name, email address, and password.

After entering the information, an email will be sent to you, so please authenticate it.

Please enter your address and phone number to register.

*Please enter all information.

④ Click on [Purchase Procedure]

⑤ Select [In-Store Pickup] as the delivery method under Express Checkout and click [Proceed to Order]

⑤Enter FIRST-HAPPY-TICKET in the coupon code under [Discount]

⑥ Select [In-store payment] under [Payment].

⑦Click [Place your order] to complete your order for in-store pickup.
*If you select in-store payment, no payment will be made.

⑧Once your order is complete, you will receive an order completion email to your email address.

*If you order online in advance, you can pick it up at the store smoothly.




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