Sudden strong wind!

The weather was mild in the morning, but...

A strong wind suddenly blew.

The amount of tea produced this year at Shunho Tea Garden is gradually decreasing!

Just a little bit more and it's finally the season of fresh tea!

We are currently considering planning for the new tea season,

Today, I went to an exhibition of products related to the tea industry!

It was the first time for me to go to such an exhibition, so to be honest, I didn't know right or left, but...

I learned a lot by looking at various products from various companies!

I would like to use the results of this study in my work!

This year's new tea project, we are still considering what kind of project it will be,

As soon as we have a plan, we will let you all know!

Perhaps because of the strong wind, my nose suddenly became itchy and my eyes became watery.

Don't forget to drink Benifuki today. Staff Sano
