In-store makeover

The other day, we redecorated the inside of Shunpo Chaen a little, and this kind of panel was displayed on the wall behind the counter in the store.

When you actually look at it, it is quite impressive because there are three panels decorated.

On the far left panel, Shunpo Chaen's "eight rules" are written, and we carry them on our backs when dealing with our customers.

Of course, even with or without the panel, the attitude towards customers does not change, but after changing the design and decorating these panels, I would like to offer the tea of ​​Shunho Chaen to the customer, and to be a member of the staff of Shunho Chaen. I feel more responsible for being

Everyone, please come to the store and take a look!

I think that you can immediately understand what kind of tea is made by Shunpo Tea Garden.

Staff Sano