After the founding festival...

Yesterday, Shunpo Tea Garden's once-a-year festival "Foundation Great Thanksgiving" ended.

I was really happy that many customers came to the store during the founding festival.

However, because so many customers came to the store,

Some customers had to wait for the checkout...

Even though you came all the way here...

We are very sorry to all the customers who have been waiting.

In addition, a little earlier than the founding festival this time, we sold limited autumn tea “Tsuki no Shizuku”, “Thank you”, and “Namari raw tea”, but thanks to you, “Tsuki no Shizuku” was sold out during the founding festival. did! !

Thank you for your purchase! ! I'm very sorry to all of you who couldn't buy it.

I've been reflecting on it for a while (laughs), but everyone really bought a lot of tea.

Some people bought a lot and gave it to their friends and family.

Some said, "I'm very happy to be able to present a lot of delicious things." I'm happy too.

We are open as usual from today, but Shunfang Tea Garden will continue to deliver delicious tea to everyone! ! Staff Fujiyama